Acute Care

Please Support the Brien Center
Your donation enables us to provide high-quality care to nearly 10,000
people in our community every year – including almost 4,000 children – regardless
of their ability to pay. In fact, the Brien Center provides approximately $200,000 in free or subsidized care annually.
At least one in every four Berkshire families has received treatment and services from Brien Center programs. Our average client is a parent with a job. He or she may live in your neighborhood or work at your business. For many of our clients, mental illness and/or addiction
interrupted what had been very typical Berkshire County lives. Our clients include:
- Children who are experiencing emotional distress and behavioral issues, often as a result of trauma and abuse in their families.
- Adolescents who are involved with substance misuse – a serious and growing epidemic in our community.
- Parents who are recovering from addiction and are rebuilding their lives and their families through Brien Center counseling, rehabilitation and
housing programs. - People of all ages who are experiencing a mental health crisis and who need assistance right away.
We never deny services to anyone in our community who needs our help.
The Brien Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit agency licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to provide behavioral health and addiction treatment and services to residents of Berkshire County.
Mail a check to:
The Brien Center
Attn: Development Department
PO Box 4219
Pittsfield, MA 01202
Please make checks payable to “The Brien Center”
Ways to Give
Give a Gift to the General Fund
Give a Restricted Gift
Make a Memorial or Honorary Gift
Donate via Your Workplace
Planned Giving
The Brien Center is a member agency of the Northern Berkshire United Way and the Williamstown Community Chest.
For further information, please contact us at 413-629-1272.